Diocesan Ultreya

All Chester & Lichfield Cursillistas are invited to attend our next Diocesan Ultreya

Saturday 22nd February 2025

Please join us for a relaxed and joyful day in the company of other Cursillistas at:

 St Michael and All Angels Church Hall

Greenway Road

Runcorn WA7 5BS

A wonderful opportunity to meet with other Cursillistas from across the Diocese


10.30am Arrival and Coffee

Followed by Floating Group Reunions

12.30ish Bring & Share Lunch

1.30ish Witness talk

Closing Eucharist

3pm Finish

Please do come along and bring your friends.

Please contact the Communications Team or your Lay Rector for further information.


Chester Diocesan Ultreya & AGM will be  on: Saturday May 17th 2025

St Luke's Hall, Parkway, Holmes Chapel, CW4 7BA.

Starting at 10.30am with coffee, we will have a bring & share lunch, finishing no later than 3pm with a Communion Service

Venue: TBC

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