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All Chester & Lichfield Cursillistas are invited to attend our next


Diocesan Ultreya

On Saturday 9th November 

 With Bishop Sam in attendance.

With Bring & Share lunch


A group of butterflies flying

Description automatically generatedVenue: St Martin’s Church Hall, 18, Shrigley Road North, Poynton, Stockport SK12 1TE




Starting with Coffee at 10.30am

Finishing by 3pm


A wonderful opportunity to meet with other Cursillistas from across the Diocese


Starting at 10.30am with coffee, we will have a bring & share lunch, finishing no later than 3pm with a Communion Service

Please do come along and bring your friends.

Please contact the Communications Team or your Lay Rector for further information.


Chester Diocesan Ultreya will be  on: TBC

Venue: TBC

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